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Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer as a digital marketing agency?

We try to stay abreast of changing times, and we’ve been doing this for a while. We offer the obvious services and some not-so-obvious ones as well:

  • Web Design
    • WordPress CMS
    • Custom HTML Design
    • And Other CMS Platforms
  • Web Development
    • PHP Custom Development
    • Custom Development
    • Online Web Portal Development
    • Advanced E-Commerce Site Development
  • SEO
    • Local Google Business Profile Optimizations
    • Organic SEO Services
    • SEO Content Services
    • SEO Link Building Services
  • SEM
    • Google AdWords Services
    • Banner Display Ad Services
    • Social Add Services
  • Social Media
    • Social Channel Optimizations
    • Social Channel Maintenance
  • And Web Hosting
    • WordPress Site Hosting
    • cPanel Server and VPS Hosting
    • Windows and Azure Hosting

Looking at the list now, it seems like a lot. We offer everything from helping grow your business to maintaining it.

How do you measure the success of a digital marketing campaign?

We don’t. You do… Sorry for the sappy answer. Here’s the real one:

Yes, at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can determine whether a digital marketing campaign was successful. After all, it’s your business, and that’s what matters most. However, we do follow an integrated approach of fifteen different key performance indicators (KPIs). The specific KPIs we track are unique and dependent on your business goals:

  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR
  • Cost per Conversion or Acquisition (CPA)
  • Bounce Rate
  • Engagement Metrics
  • Social Media Metrics
  • Website Traffic
  • Time on Site
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Email Open and Click Rates
  • Search Engine Rankings
  • Brand Awareness Metrics
  • Mobile App Metrics
  • And A/B Testing Results

Throughout it all, you’re in control. If something’s not working, we’ll adjust and go from there. It’s important to define clear goals and objectives before we start your digital marketing campaign, but that doesn’t mean we can’t redefine them as we go.

Do you have experience working with businesses in my industry?

That’s a good question. We don’t have a track history with any one industry over another. It’s been our goal to meet business owners where they are and adapt to their needs. However, here’s a rundown of the industries we’ve worked in and what that looked like:

  • E-Commerce and Retail
    • Implementing secure payment gateways.
    • Integrating inventory and order management systems.
    • Designing product pages and optimizing for conversions.
    • Setting up remarketing and abandoned cart email campaigns.
  • Healthcare
    • Building patient portals for online appointment scheduling and records access.
    • Developing telemedicine platforms for virtual consultations.
    • Ensuring HIPAA compliance for data security.
  • Education
    • Creating user-friendly e-learning platforms with interactive content.
    • Implementing course enrollment and payment systems.
    • Integrating tools for online quizzes and assignments.
  • Real Estate
    • Developing property search and listing functionalities.
    • Integrating virtual property tours and high-quality imagery.
    • Incorporating lead generation forms for potential buyers.
  • Finance and Banking
    • Building secure online banking platforms with multi-factor authentication.
    • Developing financial calculators and budgeting tools.
    • Ensuring compliance with industry regulations and security standards.
  • Hospitality and Tourism
    • Creating visually appealing hotel websites with booking systems.
    • Integrating reviews and testimonials from guests.
    • Developing interactive maps and destination guides.
  • Entertainment and Media
    • Building content-rich platforms for streaming services.
    • Creating engaging news and media websites.
    • Integrating social media sharing and comments sections.
  • Nonprofit and NGOs
    • Designing websites that highlight the organization’s mission and impact.
    • Developing online donation platforms and fundraising campaigns.
    • Integrating volunteer sign-up forms and event calendars.
  • Food and Beverage
    • Creating visually appealing menus and food photography galleries.
    • Developing online ordering and delivery systems.
    • Integrating customer reviews and ratings.
  • Automotive
    • Building interactive car configurators and comparison tools.
    • Developing appointment scheduling for car maintenance services.
    • Integrating tools for requesting test drives and financing information.

What digital platforms and tools do you primarily utilize for your campaigns?

There’s a lot to unpack here. In the end, the digital platforms and tools we use depend on your business needs and target demographic. However, here’s what we’ve used in the past and what we used them for:

  • Social Media Platforms:
    • Facebook: Pages and Ads that target specific audiences.
    • Instagram: Visual content that leverages Stories and Reels for engagement.
    • Twitter: Real-time engagement via updates and news.
    • LinkedIn: B2B campaigns that connect with other professionals.
    • Pinterest: Visual content that drives traffic to your website.
    • YouTube: Video content for a wide audience.
    • TikTok: Short-form videos that engage with a younger demographic.
  • Social Media Management Tools:
    • Hootsuite: Schedule and manage posts across multiple platforms.
    • Buffer: Schedule, publish, and analyze social media content.
    • Sprout Social: Manage social media engagement, scheduling, and reporting.
    • Later: Visual content scheduling and planning for platforms like Instagram.
  • Content Creation and Design
    • Canva: Visually appealing graphics, images, and social media posts.
    • Adobe Creative Suite: Professional graphics, videos, and animations.
  • Analytics and Tracking
    • Google Analytics: Analyze website traffic and user behavior.
    • Social Media Insights: Native platforms provided by parent social media.
    • Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Buffer: Detailed social media analytics.
  • Advertising and Campaign Management
    • Facebook Ads Manager: Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.
    • Twitter Ads: Manage and optimize Twitter ad campaigns.
    • LinkedIn Campaign Manager: Run targeted ads on LinkedIn.
    • Google Ads: Paid search and display campaigns.
    • TikTok Ads: Create and manage ads on TikTok.
  • Social Listening and Monitoring
    • Brandwatch: Monitor mentions and track conversations about your brand.
    • Sprout Social: Social listening features to monitor brand mentions and trends.
  • Hashtag Research
    • Hashtagify: Research and analyze trending hashtags.
    • RiteTag: Find relevant and trending hashtags for your posts.
  • Video Editing and Production
    • Adobe Premiere Pro: Professional video editing software.
    • Final Cut Pro: Video editing software for Mac users.
    • iMovie: Basic video editing tool for Mac users.
  • Project Management and Collaboration
    • Trello, Asana, Plan and manage campaigns.

Of course, there’s always more out there. Always someone coming up with the next great tool, but those are the ones we’ve used in the past and found the most success with.

How do you stay updated with the latest digital marketing trends and algorithms?

That’s a good question! And we’ll be honest, it’s hard sometimes.

We’re sure you know as well as we do that digital marketing trends and algorithms are always changing; right when you feel like you’ve figured it out, you find out you didn’t. That’s why we not only pay our employees to conduct independent research but hold bi-weekly meetings to discuss trends we found from the following resources:

  • Industry Blogs and Websites
  • Online Communities
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Google and Social Media Updates
  • Podcasts
  • Newsletters
  • And Research Reports and Studies

But we don’t stop there. We also attend webinars, online courses, industry events, and conferences. It’s all about adaptation and continuous learning.

What is your pricing structure? Are there any hidden fees?

We don’t charge for our time. We charge for our services, and we don’t believe one size fits all. After our first Advanced Analysis and Discover meeting, we’ll determine a plan of action together. You’ll pay for exactly what you need to get the job done.

And no, there aren’t hidden fees. Down the road, if something must change, we’ll discuss it with you first.

How long does it typically take to see results from a digital marketing campaign?

That’s a big question with an even bigger list of possible answers. Typically, it takes three to six months to see results from a digital marketing campaign. However, that’s entirely dependent on complex factors like budget, target demographic, and your specific business.

A lot goes into a digital marketing campaign that can’t be predicted. The only thing we can do is remain consistent but be prepared to change when needed.

SIDE NOTE: Don’t believe someone who says they can get you results in a matter of weeks or days. It simply isn’t possible, and we want to be upfront with you.

Do you offer any guarantees on the performance of a campaign?

No, we don’t.

Some of our campaigns have returned results neither we nor our clients could have imagined. Others simply flopped. We know what we’re doing, but as mentioned in the previous question (How long does it typically take to see results…) there’re variables none of us have control over.

Thankfully, there is one thing we can control: Our persistence. Our commitment to your success is intertwined with our commitment to our own.

How often will I receive reports and updates about my campaign's progress?

Once a month. If you’d more updates, we can do that. Less? We can do that too.

Typically, we’ll schedule a virtual meeting to review the previous month’s stats. Following each meeting, you’ll receive an email containing everything we discussed and the appropriate spreadsheets for your records.

Who will be my main point of contact, and how often can I expect communication?

Your main point of contact (POC) will be any one of our social media experts based on the exact parameters of your campaign. Your POC will not change… Unless, of course, you don’t like your them, but that hasn’t happened yet (Fingers crossed).

Can I integrate my current offline marketing strategies with the digital strategies you propose?

100% you can.

It can get a little tricky, but that’s what we’re here for. We’ve seen incredible things happen when offline and online marketing strategies meet. You reach a greater audience, and your message gains greater momentum.

What measures do you have in place to ensure the security and privacy of our data?

In today’s modern age, the security and privacy of data is paramount to success. We wouldn’t still be here if we didn’t know how to put that first. As such, we do a lot to protect our clients. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Data Minimization
    • Only collecting data necessary for the website’s functionality.
  • HTTPS Encryption
    • Implementing HTTPS using SSL and TLS certificates to encrypt data transmitted between users’ browsers and your web server.
  • Secure Authentication and Authorization
    • Strong password policies, complex passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and utilizing secure authentication libraries and practices.
  • Regular Software Updates
    • Keeping server operating systems, web server software, content management systems (CMS), and plugins and modules up to date.
  • Secure Development Practices
    • Following secure coding practices, like input validation and output encoding, to include using prepared statements and parameterized queries when interacting with databases.
  • Data Storage Security
    • Encrypting sensitive data, both in transit and at rest, storing passwords securely, and limiting access to databases and files containing sensitive information.
  • Regular Data Backups
    • Regularly backing up client data and ensuring backups are stored securely and can be restored when needed.
  • Data Retention Policies
    • Following clear data retention policies and deleting data that is no longer needed according to them.
  • User Privacy Controls
    • Providing users with clear options to control their privacy settings.
  • Third-Party Services and APIs
    • Only using trusted and reputable third-party services.
  • Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing
    • Conducting security audits and vulnerability assessments on a regular basis, to include penetration testing to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Employee Training
    • Educating our staff on security best practices and establishing protocols for handling and protecting sensitive client data.
  • Legal Compliance
    • Ensuring your data handling practices comply with relevant regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, or industry-specific standards.
  • Incident Response Plan
    • Constantly developing new plans to address data breaches or security incidents, including notifying affected parties and authorities if necessary.

Remembering that data privacy is an ongoing effort, we do our best to stay abreast of changing times. And it works! However, if you didn’t see something specific in our list, let us know.

We’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe.

How do you handle negative online reviews or feedback about my business during a campaign?

Let’s be honest, no one can please everyone. Someone will always be upset about something, and you don’t deserve that. You deserve the ability to easily move on, and that’s exactly what we offer.

WordPress allows us the freedom to write and implement programs that only pull your highest rating reviews from sources like Google, Yelp, Yahoo, and more. The same goes for reviews left directly on your website. We’ll configure your website to only display the positive reviews and redirect the negative ones to one of our specialists for remediation.

Do you offer content creation services, like blog writing or video production?

Did Rob Smither (Our founder and CEO) try to sneak a piece of the ice cream cake stashed in the staff lounge before the party started? The answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’

We could go on and on about the content creation services we offer—After all, one size doesn’t fit all, so we try to do a little bit of everything. However, we’ll keep it short. These are the services we offer:

  • Graphic Design
  • Content Writing
  • UI/UX Design
  • Multimedia Creation
  • Infographic Design
  • eBook and Whitepaper Design
  • Social Media Graphics
  • Email Newsletter Design
  • Presentation Design
  • Photography and Image Editing
  • Icon and Illustration Design
  • eLearning Material Design
  • Case Study Design
  • Interactive Content
  • Podcast Graphics
  • Webinar and Event Promotion
  • Custom Icons and Emojis
  • User Guides and Documentation

But you don’t have to remember all of them. You have your company to worry about. Let us focus on this.

What's the process if I want to make changes or updates to a live campaign?

Easy, you ask… That’s the entire process.

Once we assign a point of contact (POC) to your campaign, you’ll have direct access to them during business hours. Need something? A text, phone call, or email to your POC will get the job done. We believe you should be in control of your campaign regardless of whether it’s live or not.

How flexible are your contract terms? Can I opt-out or change my package if my needs shift?

Absolutely, you can. And our contract terms are very flexible because it’s our contract with YOU and no one else. We get it, business needs constantly shift and change. The only thing that won’t change is OUR contract terms.

We only ask you to keep an open line of communication with us and inform us of changes well in advance. This way, we can better prepare to shift gears and deliver what your business needs.

What kind of onboarding process do you have for new clients?

It’s important to remember every client is unique, and their needs differ. We’ve worked with some where we seldom spoke, which we didn’t mind. And we’ve worked with others where the onboarding process could’ve been considered handholding, which we also didn’t mind.

Regardless, our onboarding process follows and builds off the same milestones:

  • Initial Contact and Discovery
    • An initial meeting or call to introduce ourselves and understand your needs, goals, and expectations.
  • Proposal and Agreement
    • A detailed proposal outlining the project scope, timeline, deliverables, pricing, and any terms and conditions.
  • Project Kickoff Meeting
    • A final review of the project plan, objectives, and deliverables, to include introducing you to the key team members who will be involved in the project.
  • Requirements Gathering
    • Regular collaboration with you to gather detailed requirements, including design preferences, content, features, and any integrations needed.
  • Design and Development
    • The design and development process based on the approved plan, providing regular updates to keep you up to speed on progress.
  • Regular Check-ins
    • Scheduled meetings to discuss project status, address any concerns, and ensure alignment between our team and yours.
  • Content Collection
    • Requests for text, images, videos, etc. from you in accordance with the proposal and agreement, adhering to the project timeline.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance
    • Thorough testing of the website or application to identify and address any bugs, usability issues, or compatibility problems.
  • User Training
    • Teaching you how to use your new website or application (This is optional and dependent on the proposal and agreement).
  • Final Review and Approval
    • Your final review and approval of your new website or application, to include voicing any concerns or feedback for adjustments.
  • Launch and Deployment
    • Everything goes live, users can start accessing the delivered product.
  • Post-Launch Support
    • Continually address any unforeseen issues or questions you might have.
  • Client Feedback and Evaluation
    • Your chance to give feedback on the overall experience and the quality of the delivered product.
  • Maintaining Relationships
    • Our favorite part, an open line of communication after the project is complete to offer ongoing support, updates, and potential future collaborations.

I already have an established audience; do I really need digital marketing?

When eating at a fancy restaurant, do you ask yourself “I already ate dinner; do I really need dessert?”

Regardless of audience size, most businesses can benefit from a digital marketing campaign. This is because two things happen:

  • You foster greater engagement from people already aware of your business.
  • And you create new awareness for people who haven’t heard of your business yet.

So, if you already have an established audience, you can expect better results compared to if you didn’t.