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Brand Slogans: How To Create Them (20+ Examples)

Published by leftlanemedia | Published on April 10, 2024

Brand slogans are short, memorable phrases that encapsulate a brand’s essence, values, and promises to consumers.

They play an important role in marketing, serving not just as catchy jingles but as strategic tools that reinforce a brand’s identity and create a deeper connection with its audience.

This article discusses slogans’ significance in marketing, the elements that contribute to their effectiveness, the process of their creation, their impact on consumer behavior, and the challenges involved in crafting slogans that resonate on a global scale.

The Role of Brand Slogans in Marketing

Well-crafted slogans and taglines help brands stay memorable and provide an emotional connection between them and their customers.

Having a brand slogan can also help with advertising campaigns because it tells people what the brand is about.  

A well-crafted slogan boosts brand recall significantly, making it easier for consumers to remember the brand in a cluttered market. This instant recognition can be the deciding factor in purchase decisions, elevating the brand in the consumer’s mind over its competitors. 

Slogans often serve as a call to action or a source of inspiration, encouraging consumers to engage with the brand, whether through social media interaction, word-of-mouth advocacy, or direct participation in brand initiatives.

Importance of Having a Brand Slogan for Your Business

A brand slogan is important for any business as it displays the brand’s essence, mission, and values. It serves as a powerful communication tool in the competitive marketplace, helping create a memorable identity, enhance brand recall among consumers, and differentiate the brand from competitors. 

A well-crafted slogan can produce emotional responses, create loyalty, and drive consumer engagement by resonating with the audience’s values and aspirations. 

Furthermore, it provides a consistent message across marketing campaigns, reinforcing the brand’s presence and message. A slogan is not just a catchy tagline but a strategic asset that contributes significantly to a brand’s tagline, recognition, positioning, and overall success.

branding, strategy and advertising words

Elements of an Effective Brand Slogan

There are different ways you can create an effective brand slogan. Here are some examples from notable companies, businesses, and brands.

Simplicity and Clarity

The most famous company or business slogans are often the simplest. They deliver a clear message in just a few words, ensuring that the slogan is accessible to a wide target audience and can be easily recalled.


Nike – “Just Do It”

This slogan is a masterclass in simplicity, encouraging action and determination without any unnecessary complexity.

McDonald’s – “I’m Lovin’ It”

A clear expression of enjoyment and satisfaction, this slogan is both simple and universally understandable, connecting with audiences worldwide.

Apple – “Think Different”

This slogan invites consumers to see the world from a new perspective, using simplicity to celebrate creativity and innovation.

Coca-Cola – “Open Happiness”

A straightforward message that associates the brand with a positive and desirable emotional state, encapsulating its promise in just two words.

Adidas – “Impossible Is Nothing”

A simple yet powerful expression of the brand’s belief in pushing boundaries and overcoming challenges.

Google – “Do the Right Thing”

Although not a traditional consumer slogan, this motto reflects Google’s commitment to ethical business practices in a clear and straightforward manner.

KFC – “It’s Finger Lickin’ Good”

This slogan straightforwardly describes the tastiness of the food, using simplicity to make a memorable statement about the brand’s core product offering.

BMW – “The Ultimate Driving Machine”

A clear statement of the brand’s value proposition, showing its promise of superior automotive performance and luxury in a simple phrase.

Visa – “It’s Everywhere You Want to Be”

This slogan clearly communicates the brand’s widespread acceptance and convenience without overcomplication, making it easy for consumers to grasp the value proposition.

Emotional Appeal

Catchy slogans that connect emotionally with consumers tend to create a stronger and more loyal relationship. By tapping into universal feelings or aspirations, they build brand loyalty that transcends transactional interactions.


De Beers – “A Diamond is Forever”

This slogan taps into the deep emotions surrounding love and commitment, suggesting the timeless nature of both diamonds and the bonds they symbolize.

Hallmark – “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best”

Emphasizing the emotion of care and love, this slogan appeals to the desire to express deep feelings through the act of giving.

Dove – “Real Beauty”

Dove’s campaign focuses on inner beauty and self-acceptance, resonating emotionally with consumers by challenging traditional beauty standards.

Nike – “Find Your Greatness”

Beyond just “Just Do It,” this slogan speaks to the emotional journey of overcoming obstacles and achieving personal goals.

MasterCard – “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.”

This slogan cleverly distinguishes between the priceless emotional value of experiences and the everyday transactions where MasterCard can assist.

Airbnb – “Belong Anywhere”

Focusing on feelings of belonging and acceptance, Airbnb’s slogan appeals to the universal desire for connection and understanding across cultures.

Coca-Cola – “Taste the Feeling”

Coca-Cola’s slogan invites consumers to not just enjoy a beverage but to experience an emotional and sensory journey, associating the brand with happiness and good times.

Dollar Shave Club – “Be Bold”

Dollar Shave Club’s slogan connects with customers on an emotional level by advocating boldness, not just in the context of grooming but as a lifestyle choice.


For a slogan to resonate, it must reflect the brand’s current values and offerings while also speaking to the audience’s needs and preferences. This relevance is key to maintaining a genuine connection with consumers.


Spotify – “Music for Every Moment”

This slogan emphasizes Spotify’s vast and diverse music library, promising a perfect soundtrack for any situation. Thus, it speaks directly to its users’ personal and ever-changing needs.

Zoom – “Stay Connected”

Particularly resonant in recent years, this slogan highlights the importance of maintaining personal and professional connections, regardless of physical distance, tapping into the increased need for digital communication tools.

Tesla – “Electric Cars, Solar & Clean Energy”

Tesla’s slogan directly addresses the growing consumer concern for environmental sustainability and the shift towards clean energy, making it highly relevant to current global priorities.

Amazon – “From A to Z”

This slogan cleverly communicates Amazon’s large selection of products, implying that anything a consumer needs from any category can be found on their platform. This aligns perfectly with the convenience and variety that today’s consumers seek.

Fitbit – “Find Your Fit”

With a focus on personal wellness and fitness, this slogan resonates with the widespread movement towards health consciousness, suggesting that Fitbit offers personalized solutions for everyone’s fitness journey.


A slogan’s stickiness, or its ability to be remembered, often depends on its linguistic qualities, such as rhythm, rhyme, and repetition. These techniques make a slogan catchy and, therefore, more likely to be recalled.

M&M’s – “Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands”

The catchy rhyme and clear message about the candy’s unique selling point make this slogan stick in the minds of consumers.

Frosted Flakes – “They’re Grrreat!”

Tony the Tiger’s enthusiastic endorsement, coupled with the slogan’s simplicity and unique pronunciation, has made it iconic and highly memorable.

Meow Mix – “Tastes So Good, Cats Ask for It by Name”

The playful, imaginative concept of cats verbally requesting this brand by name, combined with a catchy jingle, makes this slogan both memorable and endearing.


Creating a slogan that remains relevant and impactful over time is a challenge. Timeless slogans manage to embody the core essence of a brand in a way that does not become dated as trends and consumer preferences evolve.


American Express – “Don’t Leave Home Without It”

Since the late 1970s, this slogan has underscored the essential nature of the American Express card for travelers, encapsulating a sense of security and reliability that remains relevant.

L’Oréal Paris – “Because You’re Worth It”

Introduced in the early ’70s, this slogan champions self-esteem and personal value, a universally resonant message that has successfully adapted to evolving discussions around beauty and self-care.

Gillette – “The Best a Man Can Get”

Launched in 1989, Gillette’s slogan speaks to the brand’s commitment to quality and excellence in men’s grooming, a promise that remains appealing across different generations.

State Farm – “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There”

This slogan has been central to State Farm’s branding since 1971, emphasizing trust and reliability in their insurance services, a timeless message of support and community.

Levi’s – “Quality Never Goes Out of Style”

Levi’s uses this slogan to highlight the enduring appeal and durability of its denim products. It’s a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality, a value that resonates with consumers across decades.

The Process of Creating a Brand Slogan

Here are the steps to creating brand slogans:

Brainstorming and Ideation

Having a perfect slogan begins with a creative process that involves generating multiple slogan ideas. This phase is important for exploring different angles and perspectives on the brand’s identity and value proposition.

Audience Analysis

Understanding the target audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors is important in crafting a slogan that resonates with your brand. A great slogan informs the slogan’s tone, language, and message.

Testing and Feedback

Testing potential slogans with target audiences provides invaluable insights into their effectiveness. Feedback can reveal nuances in perception that might not have been anticipated, guiding the refinement of the slogan.

Finalization and Launch

After rigorous testing and revision, the final slogan is chosen and launched. This launch is not just a matter of unveiling a phrase but integrating it into all aspects of the brand’s marketing campaign and communications.

Reevaluation and Rebranding

Brands must remain vigilant, assessing the relevance and impact of their slogans over time. Changes in the market, audience preferences, or the brand itself may necessitate a reevaluation and, potentially, a rebranding effort.

Impact of Brand Slogans on Consumer Behavior

A compelling slogan can tip the scales in favor of a brand, especially in the final moments of the decision-making process, making the brand’s choice seem obvious to the consumer.

Slogans that evoke emotions can cultivate a deep sense of loyalty and attachment, leading to repeat purchases and recommendations.

Communicates not just what a brand sells but its ethos, significantly influencing consumer perception of the brand’s values and ethics.

A memorable slogan increases brand recognition, helping consumers instantly identify the brand amidst competitors. It elicits strong emotional responses, creating a deeper connection with the audience and making the brand more relatable.

What to Consider When Creating and Maintaining Effective Brand Slogans

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when creating and maintaining brand slogans:

Cultural Sensitivity and Global Appeal

In an increasingly globalized market, finding a slogan that resonates across different cultures without causing offense or misunderstanding is a significant challenge. To ensure global appeal, this requires not only linguistic translation but also cultural adaptation.

Adapting to Changing Market Dynamics

Markets evolve, and with them, consumer preferences and societal values shift. An iconic slogan that once seemed perfect can become outdated or misaligned with the brand’s direction, necessitating a delicate balance between consistency and adaptability.

Legal Considerations

The legal landscape around trademarking and copyright can be fraught with challenges. Ensuring a brand slogan is not only unique but also legally protectable is an important step in the creation process that can have long-term implications for the brand.

writing a marketing strategy on a white board

How to Use Web Design to Amplify Your Brand’s Slogan

A crucial aspect often overlooked in brand marketing is the role of web design in amplifying a brand’s slogan. Your website is often the first point of interaction between your brand and potential customers. 

The design of this digital space plays an important role in reinforcing your brand’s message and the power of your slogan.

  • Consistent Branding: Ensure that your website visually aligns with your brand’s slogan. The colors, fonts, and imagery used should reflect the tone and message of the slogan, creating a cohesive brand experience.
  • Strategic Placement: Your slogan should be prominently featured on your website, such as in the header or as part of the homepage banner. This placement helps establish brand recall right from the first visit.
  • Interactive Experiences: Integrating interactive elements that relate to your slogan can enhance engagement. For instance, if your slogan emphasizes innovation, your website could include cutting-edge interactive features like virtual reality or interactive storytelling.
  • Content Alignment: The content on your website, from blog posts to product descriptions, should resonate with your slogan’s message. This consistent reinforcement strengthens your brand’s voice and message.
  • Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure your slogan and branding is effectively adapted for mobile formats, maintaining impact and readability.

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FAQs About Brand Slogans

What is the difference between an advertising slogan and a campaign slogan?

An advertising slogan is designed for long-term brand identity, while a campaign slogan is specifically crafted for a short-term marketing initiative.

How can a good advertising slogan benefit my brand?

It enhances brand recall, making your product or service more memorable among consumers and standing out in the market.

Where should I prominently feature my brand’s slogan to maximize its impact?

Feature it in all the news (local or international), promotional materials, and digital platforms where your brand has a presence to reinforce brand identity and message consistency.

What’s the difference between brand slogans and taglines?

While both a slogan and a tagline are used in brand marketing to convey messages about the brand, a slogan often emphasizes the brand’s mission or values, whereas taglines are catchier phrases designed to be memorable and associate closely with the brand’s identity.